Monday, March 4, 2013

Slow to Anger

Today I had a frustrating morning. Two of my classmates made comments to me that rubbed some salt in a wound which was very upsetting. I spent a good deal of the afternoon at work telling myself to forget about it, to stop feeling angry. Despite this, the comments kept replaying in my mind along with inflammatory repsonses. I'm grateful I didn't actually say any of those things but thinking them kept me in a bad mood. By the time I came home tonight I had mostly cleared my mind.
After dinner I sat down to read in the scriptures for a while. While praying, I remembered a talk given by Gordon B. Hinckley, a leader of the LDS church who passed away in 2008, on the subject of anger. I read that talk tonight and several statements stood out to me, especially this one: "Happy is the man who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way." Another was a reference to a hymn entitled "School Thy Feelings." I'm grateful for talks like this. They help me to not only control any anger I feel but to do better at choosing not to be angry.
Here is a link to the talk:

Here is a link to a video of the talk if you can't use the video on the above link:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Feeling Peace Inside

Last Monday evening my wife and I took a coworker of mine to visit Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. As we walked around the temple and through the visitor's centers, it simply felt good to be there. Temple Square has so much history but was constructed through so much sacrifice that the Holy Spirit seems especially present there. There is a special peace that I feel whenever I visit the grounds of an LDS Temple. It is easier to feel calm and at peace inside of myself when I am there. I know that one of the greatest blessings that I find in the gospel is experiencing peace. It is very easy for me to become busy or to get caught up in the thick of thin things, but keeping the commandments of God, particularly reading his word in the Scriptures and also speaking with him through prayer, fills me with a sense of peace and serenity. There is a prayer whose origin I do not remember but that includes the statement "God grant me serenity." And I believe that he does.